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Private Screening Barbecue Showdown Kareem El-Ghayesh

1120 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704

Dear friends and family of KG,

As you might know, Kareem has went to Georgia last December for about 4 weeks to shoot the third season of the BBQ Showdown by Netflix. As much as it was a tough and challenging experience, KG has come out of it with plenty of fun stories to share and lifelong friends. 

Come join Kareem as he watches the first episode for the first time. Live reactions, happy smiles and maybe a little bit of tears? Who knows?! We will have an open discussion and hear from Kareem about his experience as well as a short Q&A session at the end! 

Food and beverage will be available for sale by the Alamo Drafthouse

Doors at 8:30 PM

Meet and greet at 9:00 PM

Show Starts 9:15 PM

Q&A 10:15 PM

Event Over